Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Small group communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small group communication - Essay Example An effective small group that would guarantee efficient results is one that has established clear roles for the small group members. Firstly, there should be a task leader. A task leader is probably one of the key people within the small group as he controls the direction of the group and initiates debate points. He is resourceful enough to know when a point has been exhausted and also has the ability to come up with debatable points whose answers contribute to the overall discussion. The other critical aspect for a small group is communication. The members of the small group should understand each other they should be able to discern information provided by other members. This ensures that no single point escapes. In totality, this contributes to a healthy group discussion and one that maximizes on the resourcefulness of all the members. Looking through the definition forwarded by the text it is possible to identify our class groups as small groups. A project team, as it was constit uted to achieve a particular goal which was discussion of various academic topics. The intention of the project team was to improve our functionality in groups as well as integrate variable knowledge as presented by various group members. However, the only qualification as a small group only lay in the numbers and communication interactions. This was the only congruent aspect as our small group lacked a communication pattern. There were no ground rules that ensured the discussions remained focused on the subject matter. This was largely due to lack of a task leader. A task leader is defined as the person who emerges as the most qualified to lead a specific small group dealing with a particular problem (Cragan, Wright and Kasch 39). This type of a person lacked in our small group. The result was an uncoordinated group that engaged in debates far from the intended topics. It would take a long time to have the group members focus again on the topic of discussion. The greatest problem was that every time one of the group members seemed to take control of the group he was fast criticized and this again translated to a disorderly discussion. The text identifies that task leaders are not necessarily known at the inception of the

Monday, February 10, 2020

The armys professional culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The armys professional culture - Essay Example Artifacts are visible paraphernalia in their diverse camps, which seek to remind soldiers of the hierarchy that they ought to obey (Hearn 2006). Consequently, a value system has seven values that are specific to the defense force. This facilitates cohesion in the camps which soldiers converge to perform their duties. The mission of the army is as follows; first, it seeks to offers soldiers who are ready to fight and already armed with the necessary artillery (Bonn 2005). Further, the army aims to produce soldiers that are fit to fight everywhere in the globe. In addition, the army has to fulfill a threshold (global requirements) in a bid to accomplish its assignment. It is notable to reveal that indeed the army is well adapted to its current missions because of the following; the proficient uniqueness in the army enables the soldiers to put their duty of protecting a country first. This is an adaptability, which reminds each soldier to work hard, in turn; the army achieves some of its goals. Secondly, there is creation of bonds among the soldiers, which enables them to create functional bonds. In addition, the establishment of a professional family aims to encourage soldiers to fight even when there is detachment from their families (Bonn 2005). Thirdly, the next adaptability is the involvement of hierarchy in the operation of the army. In particular, the clarity in the division of authority enables a further discipline in the soldiers. Consequently, the impact of this discipline on the soldiers heightens their good conduct when at war. Moreover, the army, is able to sustain the fulfillment of its mission because of the tailor made code of ethic of the army. There is a demand of all soldiers to ensure his or her nation has credit because of the uniqueness of the army. In addition, the policy dictates that the soldiers be of strict moral upbringing in order to understand