Friday, May 8, 2020

The Creek Is No Place For Shoes

The 'Creek Is No Place For Shoes'Have you ever seen a creek is no place for shoes? I certainly hope not. Most people will never be the person who wants to tell the story of how they slipped on one of those shoes and fell into a watery death.So, do our college essay writers have something to do with their failing grades? When we become enamored by the beauty of a beautiful landscape or the mountains or the glistening ocean or the perfect forest or the pristine riverside we begin to yearn for it all the more to cover our feet in mud. The only problem is that it doesn't exist.It is a sad fact that most college essay writers fall victim to the myth that creeks are 'no place for shoes'. For one thing, you don't need special footwear to get to the creek, I've been there many times and the journey can be rather an exhilarating adventure.Creeks are generally wide enough to accommodate larger sized shoes. The most you need to bring are a pair of sturdy hiking boots. I don't care what type of college essay you are writing, it doesn't mean a thing. The chances are good that your college essay writer will be much too young to even remember the creeks that run through their backyards or even the one way streets that seem to surround all of us.It should come as no surprise that most college essay writers, along with many of our best essayists, are those that have become so obsessed with the urban areas that lie so close to the suburbia of which they are a part, that they have forgotten the fact that there is a whole other world that lies in between. A world where the real hustle and bustle of life take place and one where a creek is noplace for shoes.If you wish to use a creek as the basis of your next college essay, all you have to do is include the following phrase in your opening sentence: 'the creek is no place for shoes'. That is all it takes. You don't even have to get into any details about why you believe the creek is no place for shoes.Simply write your opening para graph as though you are explaining to your readers attention span. Once you have your reader's attention, you will be surprised at how easy it is to move it on to the next paragraph when you start your next sentence in the same manner.Do you have any idea why so many college essay writers are so attracted to the idea of the creek being 'no place for shoes' while they stand around admiring it for themselves? Because there is a world out there where creeks are no place for shoes, not any more than there is a world where there are no woods, mountains, oceans, rivers or fields.

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